Gottlob Frege - Thought and Truth

 Truth as objective and residing in a 'third realm'.


Heidegger - Christianity and Nihilism


Ponderings XV ; 6

Heidegger - Modern Brutality

The mark of the reality of everything real at the end of metaphysics is the capacity for brutalitas.  Therein exists the "mastery" over technology.

Ponderings XV ; 2


 We may thus expect a thorough exteriorization of knowledge with respect to the 'knower,' at whatever point he or she may occupy in the knowledge process.  The old principle that the acquisition of knowledge is indissociable from the training (Bildung) of minds, or even of individuals, is becoming obsolete and will become ever more so. The relationship of the suppliers and users of knowledge to the knowledge they supply and use is now tending, and will increasingly tend, to assume the form already taken by the relationship of commodity producers and consumers to the commodities they produce and consume - that is, the form of value.  Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold, it is and will be consumed in order to be valorized in a new production: in both cases, the goal is exchange.  Knowledge ceases to be an end in itself, it loses its 'use-value.'^

Jean Lyotard

The Postmodern Condition.  France 1979. Univ Minnesota 1984.

^ Jurgen Habermas, Knowledge and Human Interests.

Heidegger - Overcoming Metaphysics


The modern form of ontology is transcendental philosophy which becomes epistemology.

How does such a thing arise in modern metaphysics?  In that the beingness of beings is thought as presence for the guarantee of representation.  Beingness is now objectivity.  The question about objectivity, about the possibility of standing over against (namely, over against guaranteeing, calculating representation) is the question about knowability.

But this question is not really meant as the question about the psycho-physical mechanism of the procedure of knowing, but rather about the possibility of the presence of the object in and for knowledge.

"Epistemology" is viewing, theoria, in that the on, thought as object, is questioned with regard to objectivity and what makes objectivity possible (be on).

How does Kant guarantee the metaphysical element of modern metaphysics through the transcendental manner of questioning?  In that truth becomes certainty and thus the beingness (ousia) of beings changes to the objectivity of perceptio and cogiatrio of consciousness, of knowledge; knowing and knowledge move to the foreground.

"Epistemology" and what goes under that name is at bottom metaphysics and ontology which is based on truth as the certainty of guaranteed representation.

On the other hand, the interpretation of "epistemology" as the explanation of "knowledge" and as the "theory" of the sciences errs, although this business of guaranteeing is only a consequence of the reinterpretation of Being as objectivity and representedness.

"Epistemology" is the title for the increasing, essential powerlessness of modern metaphysics to know its own essence and the ground of that essence.  The talk about the "metaphysics of knowledge" remains within the same misunderstanding.  In truth, it is a matter of the metaphysics of the object, that is, of beings as object, of the object for a subject.

The mere reverse side of the empirical-positivistic misinterpretation of epistemology shows itself in the growing dominance of logistics.

trns. from the German by Joan Stambaugh

Gottlob Frege - Thought and Truth

 Truth as objective and residing in a 'third realm'. pdf