Swedish Poet Wins Nobel Prize

from the NYTimes  10/6/2011

“He is to Sweden what Robert Frost was to America,” said John Freeman, the editor of the literary magazine Granta. “The national character, if you can say one exists, and the landscape of Sweden, are very much reflected in his work. It’s easy because of that to overlook the abiding strangeness and mysteriousness of his poems.”

Swedish Poet Wins Nobel Prize for Literature


"Tomas Tranströmer [in the catalog], the Swedish poet whose sometimes bleak but powerful work explores themes of nature, isolation and identity, won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday.

Announcing the award in Stockholm, the Swedish Academy praised Mr. Tranströmer, saying that “through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality.”

The assembled press broke out in loud cheers at the news that Mr. Transtrõmer, who was born in Stockholm, had won the prize.

Mr. Tranströmer, 80, has written more than 15 collections of poetry, many of which have been translated into English and 60 other languages.

Neil Astley, the editor of Bloodaxe Books in Britain, called Mr. Tranströmer “a metaphysical visionary poet.”

“His poetry is both universal and particular,” Mr. Astley said. “It’s complex but very direct at the same time.

He’s worked for much of his life as a psychologist, and the work is characterized by very strong psychological insight into humanity...” more

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 From the storyteller:  [this was written in the 1930s, amazing] Every morning, news reaches us, from around the globe.  And yet we lack rem...