Philosophy - Transparency of Evil

The Transparency of Evil
Jean Baudrillard
Verso, 2009
111.84 B342t

"Terrorism in all its forms is the transpolitical mirror of evil.  For the real problem, the only problem, is:  where did Evil go?  And the answer is:  everywhere - because the anamorphosis of modern forms of Evil knows no bounds.  In a society which seeks - by prophylactic measures, by annhilating its own natural referents, by whitewashing violence, by exterminating all germs and all of the accursed share, by performing cosmetic surgery on the negative - to concern itself solely with quantified management and with the discourse of the Good, in a society where it is no longer possible to speak Evil, Evil has metamorphosed into all the viral and terroristic forms that obsess us..."

about the author:

French theorist Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007) was one of the foremost intellectual figures of the present age whose work combines philosophy, social theory, and an idiosyncratic cultural metaphysics that reflects on key events of phenomena of the epoch. A sharp critic of contemporary society, culture, and thought, Baudrillard is often seen as a major guru of French postmodern theory, although he can also be read as a thinker who combines social theory and philosophy in original and provocative ways and a writer who has developed his own style and forms of writing. -Stanford Encyl. of Phil.

Jean Baudrillard: from Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond
Douglas Kellner
Stanford, 1989
301.0944 K29j

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