Enjoyment and Immortality - Kharms

It is peculiar to each person to strive for enjoyment, which is always either sexual satisfaction, or satiation, or acquisition.  But only that which lies not on the path to enjoyment leads towards immortality.  All systems leading to immortality in the end come down to a single rule: continually do that which you don't feel like doing, because every person feels like either eating, or satisfying their sexual feelings, or acquiring something, or all of these more or less at a stroke.  It is interesting that immortality is always connected with death and is treated by various religious systems as eternal enjoyment, or as eternal torment, or as an eternal absence of enjoyment and torment.


Benjamin on the Novel vs Storytelling- Information - the novel-information as debased

 From the storyteller:  [this was written in the 1930s, amazing] Every morning, news reaches us, from around the globe.  And yet we lack rem...