Roberto Bolano
The Nurses (Las Enfermeras)
A trail of nurses start heading home. Protected
by my sunglasses I watch them come and go.
They're protected by the sunset.
A trail of nurses and a trail of scorpions.
Come and go.
At six in the evening? At eight
in the evening?
Sometimes one lifts a hand and waves to me. Then reaches
her car, without turning back, and disappears,
protected by the sunset as I am by my sunglasses.
Between both vulnerabilities sits Poe's urn.
The bottomless vase holding all sunsets,
all dark lenses, all
trns. by Laura Healy
Benjamin on the Novel vs Storytelling- Information - the novel-information as debased
From the storyteller: [this was written in the 1930s, amazing] Every morning, news reaches us, from around the globe. And yet we lack rem...