Through the Forest
A spot they call Jacob's marsh
is the cellar of the summer day
where light sours to a drink
tasting of old age and slums.
Here the weak giants stand entangled
so thickly they cannot fall.
A broken birch tree molders
standing upright like a dogma.
From the deeps of the forest I rise.
It lightens between the trunks of trees.
It rains over my roofs.
I'm impression's water spout.
At the edge of the forest the air is mild. --
A big fir, dark, back turned,
its muzzle buried in the soil,
is drinking the shadow of the rain.
Benjamin on the Novel vs Storytelling- Information - the novel-information as debased
From the storyteller: [this was written in the 1930s, amazing] Every morning, news reaches us, from around the globe. And yet we lack rem...