Heidegger- Machination (For Those Who Know)

The power of machination - the eradication even of Godlessness, the anthropomorphizing of the human being into the animal, the exploitation of the earth, the calculation of the world - has passed over into a state of definitiveness; distinctions of peoples, nations, and cultures are now mere facades.  No measures could be taken to impede or check machination.  Never before in human history has being, so unconditionally, uniformly, in frantic onslaught, and yet completely hidden behind currently pursued being, compelled the whole of being into decisionlessness.  Never before, accordingly, for those who know, have such acuity and simplicity of a moment of the history of beyng ever been attained.  Never before, through a globally instituted and continuously increasing fear of "wars," of losses, of diminutions of power, and of economic failures (through the fear of beings), has the anxiety over beyng been suppressed and falsified.  But why does beyng, at this extreme limit of the derangement of its ungrounded truth, refuse to grant the plight grounding?  Why does beyng allow beings to rage from one pretext into another?  Is this the self-refusal of the downgoing over and against humans and thus the deepest abasement of humans in the satisfaction of their crudest needs?  Who experiences in all this the silent sovereignty of beyng?  Who know of the reservation of the decision regarding the abode of the last god?  Everything is still entangled in the machinationally overfilled emptiness of  the abandonment of being.  Few surmise.  And these few are unique.  And these unique ones do not need to be enumerated.

-Martin Heidegger, Uberlegungen XII, 1939.

Heidegger - Current Geopolitics?

 "The still hidden truth of Being is withheld from metaphysical humanity.  The laboring animal is left to the giddy whirl of its produc...