Agamben: Roots of Faith and Capital

"David Flusser a great religious scholar was working on the word 'pistis' which is the Greek term that Jesus and the apostles used for 'faith'.  One day he found himself in Athens and at a certain point, raising his eyes, he saw written in block letters in front of him, 'Trapeza tes pisteos'.  Astonished by the coincidence he looked more closely and realized he was simply in front of a bank, 'trapeza tes pisteos' means 'bank of credit' in Greek..."

G. Agamben, Creation and Anarchy - ch., Capitalism as Religion.



Heidegger - Current Geopolitics?

 "The still hidden truth of Being is withheld from metaphysical humanity.  The laboring animal is left to the giddy whirl of its produc...