Heidegger - Boredom


Because, however, the origin of boredom and the original relationship between the various forms of boredom remain and must remain completely concealed from our everyday understanding of this attunement, our everyday consciousness is also governed by uncertainty as to what properly bores us, as to what that which is originarily boring is.  At first it seems that what bores us are boring things and people and suchlike.  It would be wrong and at the same time unfruitful to want to eliminate this strange illusion.  In the second form of boredom, that which bores us manifests itself as time in its standing.  It is now no longer the things surrounding us, nor one's own person that bores us.  What bores us is time.  It is what specifically leaves us empty and holds us in limbo, fixed in the form in which we think we know it in the everyday, the time with which we reckon.  Yet now in the third form of boredom what leaves us empty in the manner of entrancing us is the time of Dasein as such, and what holds in limbo and impels us is this time in its possibility as moment of vision, proper to it, and indeed in the sense of the making possible of Dasein in general: horizon and moment of vision...

-M.H., Fundamental concepts of metaphysics.


Heidegger - Current Geopolitics?

 "The still hidden truth of Being is withheld from metaphysical humanity.  The laboring animal is left to the giddy whirl of its produc...