Roberto Bolano

                                                                                            Jus lo front port vostra bella semblanca
                                                                                                                             -Jordi de Sant Jordi

I'll try to forget     A body that appeared during the snowfall
When all of us were alone     In the park, on the
     little hill behind
the basketball courts     I said hold on and she came back:
white face lit up by a noble heart     Never
had I seen such beauty     The moon drew away from the earth
From far off came the sound of cars on the highway: people
going home     All of us were living in a television
commercial until she parted the successive
curtains of snow and let me see her face: the pain
and beauty of the world in her gaze     I saw tiny
footprints in the snow     I felt the frozen wind on my cheeks
On the other end of the park someone was making signals
with a flashlight     Every snowflake was alive
Every insect egg was alive and dreaming    I thought: now
I'm going to be alone forever     But the snow kept falling
and falling and she didn't go away


Heidegger - Current Geopolitics?

 "The still hidden truth of Being is withheld from metaphysical humanity.  The laboring animal is left to the giddy whirl of its produc...