The most ridiculous of all, however, are those who out of the museum of old notions produce for this process in the history of beyng the image of personalities of genius, ones that alone “make,” “think,” and “plan” all this in the place of the dear Lord or in opposition to him. Our notions of a god or of a devil (demon) or of a demigod do not belong here. The unconditional power creates concurrently its own holders of that power, and their essence is incomparable with that of any previously experienced sorts of humanity, none of which stand yet in the realm of unconditional power. The service toward the essence of power also enables the unchecked and unrestricted | enlistment of all and thus the transformation of each into the character of power. In this way arises a peculiar superiority of the one who is decided in favor of power...
At the time “history” becomes the exclusive object of
something made, the talk of “happening” is loudest. History is thereby
historiology, and historiology technology. Everything becomes univocal for
having lost its essential ground out of which an origin could still exist. And
in turn: because everything is univocally made and calculated, even the
“symbolic” must be made. Indeed everything made in beings is sustained by the
machination of beyng.
-M. Heidegger Gesamtausgabe 96: Überlegungen XII–XV (Schwarze Hefte 1939–1941)