Heidegger - Noise is the Machine

The modern world is becoming a gigantic 'prostitution' into noise: therein is instituted the self-consciousness of machination - indeed noise is the basic form of its self-consciousness, and the latter constitutes an essential moment of subjectivity.  Noise is the promulgation in that publicness which first lets something count as a 'being'.  Noise is the swagger of every undertaking.  Noise is the historiological compilation ('montage') of everything past and over and done.  All speaking and writing are noise.  Noise is the machine - even one that operates soundlessly.  All proclamation and praise are noise.  Noise carries out the essential step of what is loud into the distorted essence.  Noise consummates the instituting of the distorted essence in complete releasement.  But even if the beingness of beings were not entrapped in noise, the clearing of beyng would essentially occur on quite another ground: silence - and would endure such grounding.

-M.Heidegger. Uberlegungen XII

Heidegger - Current Geopolitics?

 "The still hidden truth of Being is withheld from metaphysical humanity.  The laboring animal is left to the giddy whirl of its produc...