Ioan Couliano - Renaissance Magic and the Reformation's Sexuality

The revolution in spirit and customs brought about the Reformation led to the total destruction of Renaissance ideals.  The Renaissance conceived of the natural and social world as a spiritual organism in which perpetual exchanges of phantasmic messages occurred.  That was the principle of magic and of Eros, Eros itself being a form of magic.

The Reformation destroys this structure of phantasms in motion; it forbids the use of imagination and proclaims the necessity for total suppression of sinful nature.  It even attempts artificially to make the sexes one and the same sop that natural temptations might disappear.

-I. Couliano.  Eros  et magie a la Renaissance.

Benjamin on the Novel vs Storytelling- Information - the novel-information as debased

 From the storyteller:  [this was written in the 1930s, amazing] Every morning, news reaches us, from around the globe.  And yet we lack rem...