'On the other hand, what we now see is not the idea of a power that takes the form of an exhaustive surveillance so that they are all constantly under the eyes of the sovereign in everything they do [panopticon], but the set of mechanisms that, for the government and those who govern, attach pertinence to quite specific phenomena that are not exactly individual phenomena, even if individuals do appear in a way, and there are specific processes of individualization (and we will have to come back to this, because it is very important). The relation between the individual and the collective [cov-in], between the totality of the social body and its elementary fragments, is made to function in a completely different way; it will function differently in what we call population. The government of population is, I think, completely different from the exercise of sovereignty over the fine grain of individual behaviors...'
-M. Foucault. Sécurité, territoire, population. (2004). Editions du Seuil Gallimard, Paris. trns., G. Burchell.(2007). Picador, New York.