Agamben paraphrases Bolk in his new book criticizing how covid measures are worse than the disease:
human species is characterised by a progressive inhibition of its
natural, vital processes of adaptation to its environment. These
processes superseded by a hypertrophic growth of technological
apparatuses designed to adapt the environment to mankind. When this
process exceeds a certain limit, it becomes counterproductive and
transforms itself into the self-destruction of the species. Phenomena
such as the one we are currently experiencing [with covid] indicate that
that point has already been reached and that medicine - which should
have cured our sickness - runs the risk of furnishing us with an even
greater disease.' (Agamben. Where are we now. Rowman. p. 45)
This also sums up essentially why Heidegger was weary of the technological path we are on
Bolk's foetalization theory:
states that when a human being is born, it is still a fetus, as can be
seen if one pays attention to its (proportionally) big head, to its
uncoordinated motility or to its absolute helplessness, for instance.
Furthermore, this "prematuration" is specifically human.'
his summary of his ideas:
'If I wished to express the basic principle of my ideas in a somewhat
strongly worded sentence, I would say that man, in his bodily
development, is a primate fetus that has become sexually mature [einen zur Geschlechsreife gelangten Primatenfetus].