Rene Guenon - The Reign of the Adversary (Oligarchic Demonology - Final Dissolution)

 From materialism and rationalism to the use of lower spirits; intended and not.  The good shamans have gone missing with the good traditions of the spirit.

"After having enclosed the corporeal world as completely as possible, it was necessary, while guarding against the re-establishment of any communication with superior domains, to open it up again from below, so as to allow the dissolving and destructive forces of the inferior subtle domain to penetrate into it.  It is the 'unleashing' of these forces, so to speak, and the setting of them to work to complete the deviation of our world and effectively to bring it toward final dissolution, that constitutes the second part or second phase referred to.." - The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

Benjamin on the Novel vs Storytelling- Information - the novel-information as debased

 From the storyteller:  [this was written in the 1930s, amazing] Every morning, news reaches us, from around the globe.  And yet we lack rem...